STORK celebrated two special occasions
As part of the interest group of waste incineration slag processors and recyclers, we support the environmentally friendly treatment and recycling of HMV ash. We are always interested in using innovative processes to develop more resource-efficient processes for metal recovery.
We have set ourselves the particular goal of increasing the acceptance of recycled building materials.
Between slag heaps and shredder fractions - our biotopes.
For more than 25 years, we have been available to our customers as a contact partner in the field of waste disposal and recycling. Our professional know-how, our passion for what we do and our own quality requirements are part of our philosophy.
Not only satisfying our customers, but also breaking new ground is the basis for long-term success and sustainable company development.
We are aware of our responsibility for our environment and our social environment and strengthen and support our region in various areas.
In addition to partnerships with regional clubs such as FCM, SCM and Chemie Leipzig, we are also proud of our own football team.
Translated with Deepl|2024-11-26 15:36:44