Your training in one or two sentences?
Something new every day.
Why did you choose this profession?
I decided to do an apprenticeship as an industrial clerk because it is very complex but also future-proof.
Why did you decide to train at STORK?
Because of the good chances of being taken on and because the company is future-proof.
How were your first few days at the company?
Very interesting and challenging.
What is your favorite part of your job?
Working together with colleagues and coming up with ideas for future projects. Also finding solutions to current problems.
What do you particularly enjoy and why would you recommend this apprenticeship?
I can only speak from my position. I particularly enjoy digitalization, as you are confronted with new problems that need to be solved every day.
STORK as an employer in 3 words
Flexible, familiar and friendly.
What do you particularly like about the training company?
The family atmosphere.
What do you want for your professional future? Do you already have specific ideas?
One concrete idea for the future for me is to drive digitalization throughout the entire group of companies in collaboration with my colleagues.
Describe yourself in 3 words
Friendly, funny and communicative
Where are you from?
I come from Angermünde, a small town in the Uckermark region
Fun fact or talent?
I am very communicative.
Jan Genthe
"Among other things, STORK stands for environmental awareness and attaches great importance to regionality. These are both values that I also share and drew my attention to the company. ..."
Experience and understand sustainability
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